Terms of service


The terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") areTruncerent(hereinafter, "our company") providesAlestThe online store (hereinafter referred to as "this site") is used to determine the conditions for use by users (hereinafter referred to as "customers").


Article 1

1. Use registration is necessary to use this site. If you agree to this Agreement and apply for the application registration in accordance with the method specified by our company, and notify us of the approval to this, the registration will be completed.

2. The company may not approve an application for use registration if it determines that there are any grounds for the following items to make an application for the registration, and shall not be obliged to disclose the reason for such reasons.

(1) Where a false matter has been notified at the time of application for use registration

(2) In the case of an application from a person who has violated this Agreement

(3) In addition, in cases where it is judged that the registration is not significant

3. If you have any changes in the information registered according to paragraph 1 of this article, you will promptly update the information by this method. We shall not be liable for any damage to our customers due to the fact that our customers have not updated the information.


Article 2IDAnd password management

1. When the customer has completed the use registration based on the provisions of the preceding article, the company shall have an account and user to use this site to the customerIDAnd the password (these are collectively called "account information"). You may not assign or lend account information to a third party or share it with a third party.

2. You shall strictly manage your account information at your own risk. The use of this site made using your account account information is deemed to have been made by you. If you suspect that your account information is illegal, we will notify you immediately.

3. The damage caused by the use of the account information to a third party shall not be liable for any liability except in the case of intentional or serious negligence.


Article 3 (purchase of goods)

1. We ask you to purchase the necessary items in the item purchase form of this site, and purchase the purchase contract of the commodity which requested the purchase at the time of the "purchase purchase" screen on the site.

2. If you fall under any of the following reasons, our company may cancel this sale contract without notifying you.

(1) If the customer violates this Agreement

(2) If delivery of goods is not completed due to unknown delivery or absence of long term

(3) In the case where it is found that the trust relationship between the customer and the company has been impaired

3. The goods purchased in this site are delivered by the coupon to the registered address in the registration of Article 1.

4. Cancellation of goods before shipment is not received after the purchase of the goods in this site. We accept goods only if the order, the item, and the quantity are different or there is a defect such as the damage to the goods. Details about return and refundRefund and return Please confirm.


Article 4 (intellectual property right)

Copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights provided by this site are copyright (c), trademark right and other intellectual property rights to the rights holders of the company and the content provider, and you can not reproduce these copies without permission, reload, modify or use any other secondary.


Article 5 (prohibited matters)

You shall not conduct the following acts when using this site.

(1) Act of violating laws or ordinances or ordinances

(2) Acts related to criminal acts

(3) The act of using this service with unintended purpose

(4) The act of applying for purchase of goods without intention to purchase

(5) Act of violating copyright, trademark right or any other intellectual property right in this site

(6) The act of destroying or obstructing the functions of a system

(7) The act of commercially utilizing information obtained by this site

(8) An act of obstructing the management of our site

(9) The act of making an illegal access to or attempting this site system

(10) The act of collecting or storing personal information about another user from the system of this site

(11) The act of reacting to another user


Article 6 (suspension of provision of this site)

1. We will be able to suspend or suspend all or part of this site by notifying the customer prior to maintenance or renewal of the site system. However, this shall not apply to the case where it is difficult to notify the customer beforehand, and shall notify the customer promptly or immediately after the suspension or suspension of this site is provided.

2. If we believe that any of the following grounds exist, we will be able to stop or suspend all or part of this site without prior notice to the customer.

(1) The difficulty of providing this site due to an earthquake, lightning, fire, power failure or natural disaster

(2) A computer or communication line used to provide this site stops due to an accident

3. The company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage that the customer has suffered from suspending or suspending the provision of this site pursuant to the grounds specified in the items of the preceding paragraph.


Article 7

1. If you fall under any of the following, you may restrict the use of all or part of this site, or cancel the use registration as a user of this site without prior notice.

(1) In violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement

(2) In cases where it is found that there is a false fact in the registration matter

(3) When the credit card that the customer has arrived as a settlement means is suspended

(4) Cases where there has been a failure to pay the payment for the money purchased by using this site

(5) If there is no reply for one month

(6) If you do not use this site for 12 months from the final use

2. We shall not be liable for any damages arising to our customers due to the use of all or part of our site, or cancellation of our registration.


Article 8 (cancellation of registration by customers)

You will be able to cancel the use registration of the customer from this site by the prescribed procedure of this site.


Article 9 (disclaimer and disclaimer)

1. We do not guarantee that this site has no legal or legal defects (including safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, validity, conformity to a particular purpose, flaws relating to security, errors, bugs, violations of rights, etc.).

2. We are not responsible for any damage that arose by our site. However, this is not the case where the damage caused to us is due to our intention or negligence.


Article 10 (change of site content)

The company may change the content of this site or cancel the provision of this site by posting a notice that the content of this site is changed or the site of the site is cancelled by 30 days prior to the cancellation of the site.


Article 11 (change of terms of use)

When we determine that we are necessary, we shall apply the revised terms and conditions30You will be able to change this agreement at any time by posting the revised terms and regulations to this website's website by the end of the day.


Article 12 (handling of personal information)

We use our website to obtain personal information about our customersPrivacy policy Shall be handled appropriately according to the order.


Article 13 (notice or contact)

Notice or contact us from our company regarding this site will be sent to the contact of the latest customer registration information, telephone, mailing, or posting to the website on this site.


Article 14

1. You shall not be a person who has not yet passed five years since the time when he or she has not become a gang of gangsters, gangsters, or gangsters, and is not a member of a group of gangsters, a group of gangsters, a general assembly, etc., such as a social movement or a special intelligence crime group, or any other person equivalent to these Not being ruled or affected by the gang, etc., not using the gangsters, etc., by destroying the honor and trust of the other party or causing the obstruction of the business, or causing the unavoidable act, and the fact that the principal contributor or the officers in charge is not a member of the crime group, etc.; It expresses and guarantees compliance with the Ordinance established by each prefecture concerning the exclusion of the crime group, etc.

2. In cases where the customer violates the obligation to assert the warranty prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the company may immediately cancel the use registration of the customer without prejudice any notice and cancel the sale agreement and claim compensation for damages caused by this.

3. You may not request damages to the company for the reason that the use registration has been cancelled pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph or that the sale agreement has been cancelled.


Article 15 (Prohibition of transfer of rights and obligations)

You may not transfer to the third party or the right or obligation of the status of this transaction or the rights or obligations under this Agreement without prior written consent.


Article 16

1. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with Japanese law and shall be interpreted according to Japanese law.

2. If there is any dispute between our company and our customers regarding this site, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of the first instance.

August 17, 2022: enacted and enforced